Greetings from Finland. This, through a blog is a great get to know other countries and their people, nature and culture. Come take a look Teuvo images and blog to tell all your friends that your country flag will stand up to my collection of flag higher. Sincerely, Teuvo Vehkalahti Finland.
Agrupació fotogràfica del Barri Sanfeliu de L'Hospitalet de Ll.
Ramon Escurriola
Juan Manuel Gasión
Pilar Baena
Antonio de San Nicolás Antonio Trujillo
Convidats: Jose María Díez Juan León Rosa Mª Peña Elsa Campos Loli Fox Mari Rios
Marisol León Vicente Cuartero
Francisco Barba Pepe Martínez
On estem:
HOTEL D'ENTITATS SANFELIU Pg. dels Cirerers, 56-58.
Despatx 11. 08906 L'Hospitalet de Llobregat Tel. (93) 338 84 08 Ens podeu trobar en persona els divendres a partir de les 20:00h i sinó contactar mitjançant email.
Greetings from Finland. This, through a blog is a great get to know other countries and their people, nature and culture. Come take a look Teuvo images and blog to tell all your friends that your country flag will stand up to my collection of flag higher. Sincerely, Teuvo Vehkalahti Finland.